APC UPS Setup and Calibration
Note: This is for a single host setup if you want to share the ups see https://herold.space/share-ups-using-nut-on-a-raspberry-pi
UPS Setup
Install the apcupsd daemon and configure it.
apt install apcupsd
sed -i "s/\/dev\/ttyS0/\/dev\/usb\/hiddev0/g" /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
sed -i "s/BATTERYLEVEL 5/BATTERYLEVEL 20/g" /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
sed -i "s/MINUTES 3/MINUTES 7/g" /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
systemctl restart apcupsd
apcaccess status
UPS Calibration
Lead-acid batteries lose capacity over time and after 3 to 5 years they need to be replaced. Therefore it’s important to calibrate them once a year.
Before you start make sure the battery is charged at 100% and has a load of at least 30% attached. Also write down the value of “TIMELEFT”
apcaccess | grep -E "BCHARGE|LOADPCT|TIMELEFT"
First stop the apcupsd daemon and then run apctest.
systemctl stop apcupsd
1) Test kill UPS power
2) Perform self-test
3) Read last self-test result
4) View/Change battery date
5) View manufacturing date
6) View/Change alarm behavior
7) View/Change sensitivity
8) View/Change low transfer voltage
9) View/Change high transfer voltage
10) Perform battery calibration
11) Test alarm
12) View/Change self-test interval
Q) Quit
Select entry 10 and monitor the calibration process.
It will drain the battery to 25% and afterwards charge it back up.
Once it’s done start apcupsd again and check the new “TIMELEFT” value.
systemctl start apcupsd
apcaccess | grep -E "TIMELEFT"
Make sure it’s over 10 minutes otherwise replace the battery.
Calibration Reminder
Replace user@example.com with your email.
It will remind you once a year to do calibration.
cat << 'EOF' > /etc/cron.daily/batterycalibrationreminder
if [[ `/usr/sbin/apcaccess | grep BATTDATE | grep "$(date +%m-%d)"` ]]; then
/usr/sbin/apcaccess | mail -s "battery due for calibration" $EMAIL
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/batterycalibrationreminder
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