APT Upgrade Handling using Ansible
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I’ve been managing my cluster using IaC tools for quite some while now and while with K8S I try to always go with an Immutable approach and therefore replace whole VM’s or Containers there are still some edge cases where an in place upgrades is necessary, e. g. hypervisor, gateways, etc.
That’s where my APT-Upgrade playbook comes into play.
- Load an SSH key into SSH-agent if it is not loaded yet
- This key is used to authenticate against all servers
- It will popup a dialog box and ask for the encryption password
- Update APT cache of all hosts
- List Updates for each host
- Ask for confirmation whether you want to proceed with a full-upgrade
- Install upgrades on each host one after the other
- Will also clean the cache and auto remove unnecessary packages
- Check all hosts whether a reboot is required and list them
- Reboot is still a manual process that you can then plan for
# ansible-playbook --inventory inventory/production full-upgrade.yaml
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- include_vars: "vars/production.yaml"
when: ansible_inventory_sources is search("production")
- name: check if ssh key is already loaded
shell: ssh-add -l | grep {{ SSH_KEY }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: ssh_key_check
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
- name: load ssh key to ssh-agent if not already loaded
shell: ssh-add {{ SSH_KEY }}
executable: /bin/bash
when: ssh_key_check.rc != 0
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
upgrade_confirmation: ""
- name: update apt registry cache
force_apt_get: yes
upgrade: no
update_cache: yes
- name: retrieve package upgrade list
shell: apt list -u
changed_when: false
register: apt_upgrade_list
- name: display available package upgrades
msg: "{{ apt_upgrade_list.stdout_lines }}"
when: apt_upgrade_list.stdout_lines | length > 1
- name: prompt for upgrade confirmation
prompt: "Do you want to run full-upgrade for all hosts ? (yes/no)"
run_once: true
register: upgrade_confirmation
- name: running apt full-upgrade
throttle: 1
force_apt_get: yes
upgrade: full
update_cache: no
autoremove: yes
autoclean: yes
register: upgrade_result
when: upgrade_confirmation.user_input | lower in ['yes', 'y']
- name: display package upgrade result
msg: "{{ upgrade_result.stdout_lines }}"
when: upgrade_result is not skipped and
upgrade_result.stdout_lines | length > 0
- name: check if reboot is required
path: /var/run/reboot-required
register: reboot_required
- name: display hosts that require reboot
msg: "reboot required on {{ inventory_hostname }}"
changed_when: reboot_required.stat.exists
when: reboot_required.stat.exists
Make sure to adjust inventory/production and vars/production.yaml to your needs.
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