Sentry alternative: Bugsink to the rescue

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Error tracking is an essential monitoring tool if you develop software. Sentry is basically the only tool for that, but it comes at a heavy cost: resource usage. A default install of Sentry already needs at least 14GB of RAM. Basically you have to provide 24-32GB for even the smallest instance and If you everRead more

Raspberry Pi Grafana Kiosk

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We will use the dashboard that we previously created for reference see Prepare Use Etcher to copy Raspberry Pi OS with desktop onto a SD Card. Change the password for “pi” and setup a static IP. Also run updates. Kiosk First enable auto login and disable screen blanking via raspi config cli. The defaultRead more

Proxmox Grafana Dashboard

Read time 2 minutes

InfluxDB First we have to create a time series database to store the metrics. Proxmox only supports Graphite and InfluxDB. I will run InfluxDB via Docker tagged to v1.8 for now. To create a default config run influxd. Proxmox only supports UDP to send metrics which is not enabled by default. We create a UDPRead more